Want to Sing With Us?
No Experience Necessary
We are always looking for new singers, whether seasoned performers or first time musicians. The Lock City Sound wants to foster musical growth in everyone while consistently creating high quality performances. Click Join us for more information, or come to a rehearsal any Monday night at 7:00 PM at Christ Episcopal Church on Fieldcrest Dr, just off of RT. 31 in Lockport.
Book a Performance
The Lock City Sound would love to hear about any performing opportunities: fund raisers, banquets, festivals and more.​
Whether you are looking to book The Sound for an event of your own or just want us to know about upcoming events that might be a great fit for us, please let us know.
The Lock City Sound owes a huge thank you to the Arts Services Initiative of Western New York, Inc. and the Grigg Lewis Foundation, Inc. for their generous grants towards our outreach goals. Please click on their logo to visit their website.
Please note that The Lock City Sound is a moniker for Lock City Glee Club, Inc.: a Not-for-profit Organization and qualifies as IRS status 501(c)(3) for tax exemptions. Please feel free to contact us if you wish to have contributions allowance verified, we are happy to accommodate you.